The Benefits of HTML 5

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HTML5 was designed to be more than merely a combination of HTML4 and XHTML’s features.

The W3C and WHATWG established the following objectives for HTML5:

  • Reduce the use of plug-ins like Flash.
  • Scripts will be replaced with more syntactical elements.
  • Independent of the device
  • HTML, DOM, CSS, and JavaScript are used.

For the time being, the most well-publicised HTML5 capabilities and benefits are:

  • The canvas> element allows for 2-D drawing.
  • Playback of video and audio without the use of external plug-ins
  • Support for local storage
  • Footer>, header>, and section> are content-specific elements.
  • Email, URL, search, date, and calendar are form controls.

Security and HTML5

HTML5 has a lot of exciting potential for Web users, such as watching videos without having to download and install a plug-in, drag-and-drop interactivity, and the ability to create documents and send emails even when there is no Internet connection. Interoperability, of course.

But, with all of the modifications and features, does this indicate that security issues with Web browsers and websites are fully resolved? Does this mean that malware, viruses, and other harmful programmes will no longer be able to enter your machine through infected Web pages?

Unfortunately, the answer is no.

The European Network and Information Security Agency announced near the end of 2011 that it had discovered 51 security flaws in HTML5 and its related APIs. The future standard opened the door to previously unknown vulnerabilities and threats.

HTML5 and its APIs, for example, expose the browser’s programming to developers, potentially exposing cross-origin resource sharing, click-jacking, privacy, geolocation, and Web sockets vulnerabilities.

However, as Mike Schema of Mashable pointed out in April 2011, the most critical vulnerabilities and threats come from developers who hurry to use HTML5 in their apps. Another problematic point is the fact that different browsers utilise different implementations.

HTML5’s Potential for the World Wide Web

HTML5 is far from flawless, which is expected given that it has yet to be officially rolled out. Meanwhile, many competent programmers are investing their time, talents, expertise, and efforts to improve and secure it.

As soon as a vulnerability is known and exploited, countermeasures are bound to emerge.

HTML5 isn’t considered the future of Web development for nothing, despite its shortcomings. It’s being hailed as a game-changer. Once the problems are fixed, we’ll have a significantly more secure standard that is both powerful and self-contained. This means that users won’t have to download plug-ins or other software to see a Web page. Browsers will be more stealthy, websites will be more rich and dynamic, and apps will be platform-agnostic and easier to create. HTML5 will, in the end, give a better and more secure internet experience than what we currently have.

HTML in the Next Generation

It’s also worth noting that HTML5 is a fantastic choice for the future. People nowadays access the Internet not only from their home computers but also from their laptops, cellphones, tablets, other mobile devices, and various platforms. HTML5 is the only way to run smoothly across different venues without performing any additional work. Developers will be able to focus more on functionality rather than creating comparable goods for numerous platforms due to this move.

Imagine a future where you don’t require several versions. HTML5 allows you to access your apps regardless of your device. This could be the end of the Kindle and other e-book readers. HTML5 will make it easier to read e-books on various devices, including smartphones, because it can easily render magazines, newspapers, and, yes, books.

HTML5 might also pave the way for improved in-browser games, such as a tool that lets users draw on Web pages. With the WebGL framework, 3-D might also become a reality.

But it’s the ability to use your programmes offline that sets HTML5 apart from its predecessors. You can now store your data on your PC, a previously unavailable or severely constrained capacity.

The Web in Its Next Iteration

Finally, HTML 5 represents a significant advancement in Web development and programming. It introduces a slew of new features that alter the way players in the field approach the creation of websites and applications. There are certain security challenges to address, but they are likely to pale compared to the new possibilities HTML5 offers. Of course, we’ll have to wait and see how things play out, but the Web is changing.